Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Invasion

New series on Channel 4.
It could be awful - looks more Roswell High than X-Files but it does have a 'blog' type thing with it - quite funny.
Perhaps more worrying is the sudden resurection of Noel Edmonds career in Deal or No Deal. Everyone's going on about it - so I watched it the other day... and it's rubbish. Really, people, if you want to enjoy gambling start a poker game with your friends. If you don't have any friends watch Late Night Poker.
I love the fact that they claim sole responsibility for the sudden popularity of poker in Britain. I guess all those American shows (Sopranos - notably, but many others including if memory serves even Roseanne for Christ sakes, Simpsons etc.) just passed people by. Yes, I know these programs have been round for years. But, really, if you can popularise something by a TV show that appears on random nights in the middle of the night... come on... what's on tonght? Boxing and French football. Two sports that'll be sweeping the nation any time soon. Let's face it the last time boxing was interesting Mohammed Ali was about to get drafted... and French Football - French Football. We all know the last time they won it was a fix. Altogether now 'brie... and grapes? ... dirty bastards.'


Blogger Ten-Bob Dylan said...

Yeah, sorry about that. I did post before Invasion started not realising it was going to be a poor attempt to grab viewers from Lost which was just about to finish. Managed to get through the first three episodes. Nothing really happened. Won't be setting the video...

5:53 pm  

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