Thursday, February 23, 2006

Flat Earth Society In Resounding Victory

I wasn't even aware that there was an organisation called the Active Resistance to Metrication. That's ARM right? Presumably with a 12" shotgun. Imperial measurements are 'part of our traditions and part of our culture' apparently. Oh dear.
I could never understand those people who just 'couldn't get their head round' the metric system. You're aware of the number 10 right? That's all you need. 10. It's that easy.
I'm teaching one who's only 40 years old. Surely he shouldn't be able to remember the imperial system. What's wrong with these people? Is the standard of British culture so poor that we have to cling on to fairly irrelevent parts of it? The imperial system - the pound - fox-hunting. Is that all we've got left? Shit. 'Some of us wake up, others roll over.'

Monday, February 20, 2006

Irving admits Holocaust 'mistake'

This was the BBC headline. Does it mean he admits the Holocaust was a mistake? You can just imagine Hitler and friends sat round going 'damn, bit of a cock-up that one.' Actually the strangest bit is 'he is not really dangerous, especially in Austria.' So is he like, a bit dangerous in other places? What makes Austria so special? Of course if he gets a fine or whatever he could try drawing some anti-semitic cartoons. I hear they're paying good money for them at the Hamshahri Daily. Irving is 68.

Straight outta Amazon

Sony decide to outcool Apple. They had the U2 iPod. Sony have the NWA MP3 player... nice.